
Showing posts from December, 2018

In Silico Optimization of Formate Formation by Acetobacteriumium woodii's formate Dehydrogenase-Juniper Publishers

In Silico Optimization of Formate Formation byAcetobacteriumium woodii's formate Dehydrogenase by Ibrahim Torktaz in JuniperPublishers in International Journal of Cell Science & Molecular Biology Formate dehydrogenase from Acetobacteriumium woodii is under investigation for industrial conversion of CO2 to formate. To have an economically viable biotechnological process for production of formate from CO 2 the conversion rate needs to be increased substantially. Here, we used structure prediction and molecular modelingfor predicting a reliable 3D structure of A. woodii FDH and following docking experiments we identified two critical residues as main formate binding sites in the enzyme. Our result will help to increase the efficacy of CO 2 fixation as a biotechnological approach to reduce the atmospheric concentration of this greenhouse gas as well as biologically producing formate as a safe way of H2 transport in biofuel application. https://juniperp...

Epidemiological features of papillary carcinoma of the breast in a developing community-Juniper publishers

Epidemiological features of papillary carcinoma of thebreast in a developing community by Wilson IB Onuigbo in Juniper Publishers in InternationalJournal of Cell Science & Molecular Biology A separate challenge in characterizing papillary carcinoma of the breast is related to the fact that a large proportion of the literature consists of individual case reports. The scarcity of information was remedied from certain centers. The present paper seeks, therefore, to add materials obtained from a histopathology data pool covering the Ibo or Igbo Ethnic Group domiciled in a developing community in Nigeria. For more Open access journals please click on JuniperPublishers : For more articles please click on International Journal ofCell Science & Molecular Biology :

Gut Microbes as a Novel Prognostic and Therapeutic Model in Cancer-Juniper Publishers

Gut Microbes as a Novel Prognostic and Therapeutic Model inCancer by Nahla AM Hamed in Juniper Publishers in International Journal of CellScience & Molecular Biology In addition to its association with an expanding list of chronic disorders, commensal microbiota is major player affecting the outcome of carcinogenesis, tumor progression, cancer comorbidities, and response to therapy. Previous studies showed that microbial disturbance by antibiotic exposure severely compromised the efficacy of cyclophosphamide and platinum-based chemotherapeutics. Many of the critical clinical outcomes after allo-HSCT, including overall survival, infections and GVHD are closely linked to changes in the intestinal flora. For more Open access journals please click on JuniperPublishers : For more articles please click on International Journal ofCell Science & Molecular ...