Exosomal Consignment in Renal Allograft Injury-Juniper Publishers

Exosomes are small mobile endocytic vesicles (30-120nm), shredded by every cell to conduct trafficking of cell generated cargo. They are found in almost all body fluids (blood, csf, saliva, urine). These include proteins, lipids, DNA, mi(cro)RNAs etc. In multicellular organisms, they are packaged into numerous vesicles mainly in exosomes to conduct their transport for various cellular activities which can be exploited clinically. Presently the survival of renal allograft is monitored by mostly invasive methods (tissue biopsy, Creatinine, GFR) where curving the injury is quite difficult. Hence potency of molecular markers like proteins and then circulating miRNAs came to picture for early detection of renal injury (Acute Kidney Injury-AKI and Chronic Kidney Disease-CKD). However, due to lack of specificity of circulating miRNAs lose their feasibility and the discovery of these exosomal cargos in cellular communication has become an efficient tool for treatment of various complicated clinical condition including renal allograft injury.

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