Juniper Publishers- Journal of Cell Science Preface Steatocystoma multiplex was preliminarily cogitated by Jamieson in 1873 and cogent nomenclature was instituted by Pringle in 1899. Terminology is composed of the literal meaning of steato and cyst as a “bag of fat” whereas multi and plex are delineated as “network”. An exceptional, hamartomatous cutaneous disorder engendered by the pilosebceous unit with characteristic multiple, asymptomatic, skin coloured nodules and constituted of dermal cysts impacted with sebum is denominated as steatocystoma multiplex. Facial variant of steatocystoma multiplex is enunciated which concurs with disorders such as eruptive vellus hair cysts, trichofolliculoma and epidermoid cysts [1,2]. Go to Disease Characteristics Incriminated sites commonly incorporate zones of mature, well developed pilosebaceous units or an augmented quantification of sebaceous glands such as trunk, neck, axilla, groin scalp, proximal extremities, face, buttocks, breast an...
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