
Showing posts from July, 2019

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C... : Psychologyand Behavioral Science International Journal   Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective:  Surveys are often conducted but rar...

Autoimmune Diseases and Inflammatory Disorders of Unknown Etiology; Contemplating Causation and Implication in Public Health Protection- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of cell Science Abstract Due to their multi factorial causation, the investigation of the etiology of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders constitutes a challenge that seems to exceed greatly that which was faced by the pioneers of the previous centuries, in connection with microbial diseases. Genetic factors, microbial pathogens, the alteration of the normal microbial flora and/or of the micro biome have been implicated to the etiology of the specific category of diseases but their interaction is so complex that the distinction of the causal from those that are incidental becomes extremely difficult. This issue is further complicated by food additives that are nowadays widely used and could have a contributing role to the pathogenesis of disorders associated with immune dysregulation. In this respect, it is perhaps critical that administrative authorities involved in public health protection revised their licensing strategy from decidi...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C...

Juniper Publishers: Internet Computerized Adaptive Testing to Detect C... : Psychologyand Behavioral Science International Journal   Juniper Publishers Abstract Objective:  Surveys are often conducted but rar...

Role of Humankind in Antibiotic, Antimicrobial- Drug Resistance of Microorganisms- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Cell Science Opinion Overuse of antibiotics, antimicrobial-drugs by human and animals, leading to complete loss of important and helpful microbes and enhancing the grown and increasing the harmful microbe population. Every living thing tries to survive in every environment, even in stressful conditions by adopting the surrounding conditions and sustain the harsh environment. Without knowing we are providing the microorganisms the conditions which increase the capability to wash out the complete human population. Microorganisms are the vast populated living organisms, many are useful for protecting the immune system from infections and some are harmful too. By the discovery of penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 [1,2] started a modern era of antibiotics. Penicillin saved millions of lives during world war-II [1]. Thereafter, major growth took place in the antibiotic discovery that played a key role in modern medicine. Until...

Investigation of the Mitochondrial Haplogroups in A Selective Population of Isfahan Province- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of cell Science Abstract In order to investigate the mitochondrial haplogroups in a selective population of Isfahan province, 96 unrelated men in Isfahan province with at least two generations in this province were token blood. Then DNA was extracted and quality assessed. 25 coding SNPs defining the major haplo groups that occur in Africa, Western Eurasia and Eastern Eurasia were selected and combined into two multiplex genotyping assays. Each one consisting of a PCR step and a SNaPShot step. Then for support of our detective haplo groups by SNaPShot system, D-Loop region was sequenced in some samples. : In this province Western Eurasian haplo groups were predominant. Haplo group U and H (22%, 21%) and then T, J and U8b (11%, 10% and 7%) had the most frequency. Eastern Eurasian haplo groups (C, D, R9, R11, M and N) were present at a lower frequency and a North African haplo group (M1) at frequency of 1%. Keywords: mtDNA; SNP; Haplo gr...

Juniper Publishers: Hypothesis Nature has provided the two Subsets req...

Juniper Publishers: Hypothesis Nature has provided the two Subsets req... : Hypothesis Nature has provided the two Subsets required for Translational Lung Cancer Research in Juniper in International Journal of C...

Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase during Embryo Dormancy and Dormancy Release in Horse Chestnut Seeds- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of Cell Science Abstract Horse chestnut seeds harvested in October were exposed to wet cold stratification for 14 weeks, thus providing a way for seeds to overcome the state of deep physiological dormancy and acquire the ability to germinate. During first 5-6 weeks, a small portion of seeds germinated hardly and slowly while later on seeds germinated more uniformly and rapidly. The experiments with facilitated water supply have shown that 5-6 weeks is the state of embryo dormancy, which did not depend on water inflow, whereas during 6-14 weeks these embryos became capable to germinate, but this capacity was limited by water penetration through seed coat. Two distinct periods were identified in deep dormancy, namely embryo dormancy and coat-imposed dormancy (dormancy release). They differ in plasma membrane H + -ATPase behavior. During embryo dormancy, the the transformation occurred from autoinhibited form preformed during seed matura...

Epigenetics- The Science beyond Genetics- Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers- Journal of cell science Abstract Epigenetics code the information determining gene expression that is often not directly encoded in the DNA. The molecular basis of epigenetic memory remains a subject of intense debate, which is likely to arise from the collaboration of several mechanisms, including histone modifications, transcription factors and DNA methylation. Amongst all, DNA methylation is one of the key epigenetic factors involved in regulation of gene expression and genomic stability, and is biologically necessary for the maintenance of many cellular functions. This review presents the basic principles behind these epigenetic pathways and highlights the evidence suggesting that their mis-regulation which can culminate in cancer. Keywords:  Epigenetics; DNA; Genes Go to Introduction The cells in a multi cellular organism have nominally identical DNA sequences, yet maintain different terminal phenotypes. This non genetic cellular memory...